Nadine Loren Interview

Interviewing Nadine Loren  Nadine Loren is a character. You cannot get comfortable around her. She keeps you on your toes and does so ruthlessly. At the same time, she is a sweetheart. Nadine is Ambassador Ashley Loren’s mother, though she does not look like it....

Cole Deering Interview

Interviewing Cole Deering  I’ve been wanting to sit down with Cole Deering for a while. But now that I’m here, I’m having second thoughts. His family was obliterated back on Earth by some bad guys who were after Steven Crow. The fella had a pretty severe...

Roland Naber Interview

Interviewing Roland Naber  Roland Naber is not exactly an expat, but he spent a lot of time here not long ago, and I bumped into him at the embassy. Sharon and I were there getting clearance to travel off-world for our respective projects. Roland showed up on his...

Eve Interview

Interviewing Eve  Guess what? Ma’ya is going to be my official chaperone. Along with her daughter Eve. That means I won’t have to get my brains scrambled again. Or as much. Seriously, it took a few days to stop tasting metal. Just in time for Ashley to introduce...

Ashley Loren Interview

Interviewing Ambassador Ashley Loren  It just occurred to me that I have taken up fishing. Fishing for expats. Seriously. I started trying to go find them. Things are just so crazy right now that it’s been nearly impossible to find any of them, and even harder to...


Bored  In order to snag expats to interview, I kinda have to shadow the embassy on Endard. I really cannot enter the embassy because of the warrants for my arrest. The ambassador has said he would not enforce the warrants - interesting since he used to be a...

James Coventry Interview

Interviewing James Coventry  Hello, welcome, and thanks for reading my blog. I am Mark Ellis, the infamous Video Guy. I am a wartime correspondent who was embedded with the US delegation for the Tour and was honored to visit several alien worlds. And I am the guy...

Mark Ellis

Introducing ME Mark Ellis  Normally, I would be resigned to my fate of being exiled from Earth. Terra. For you guys, Earth. Hey, I was naughty. I admit it. I believed the government was censuring what I reported, and what I saw simply should not have been...

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