Cooperative: The Destination Intro Text for Book 1 “I’d buy it.” James jumped and looked around at a grizzled,...
Book 1: Cooperative ~ The Destination
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Snippet 02: Cooperative ~ The Destination
Cooperative: The Destination James meets Steven “I think I tracked down the integration issue,” James said as he...
Snippet 03: Cooperative ~ The Destination
Cooperative: The Destination First Contact Again “Cory, are you getting my feed?” James banked the ultralight as...
Snippet 04: Cooperative ~ The Destination
Cooperative: The Destination Bond thanks to Predator in Cave James squirmed a little. Something was holding him...
Snippet 05: Cooperative ~ The Destination
Cooperative: The Destination Day 1 after Bond James snorted and opened his eyes. A pair of large eyes were...